Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Golf Memorabilia From Your Old Golf Clubs

Possibly the most valuable accessory you will ever purchase are your golf clubs. But even after dishing out a whole lot of money for them, most golfers don�t look after their clubs properly or don�t know how to do so.

Since you have invested your time, money, and a lot of thought in buying your golf clubs, you should consider spending a little more effort in preserving, storing, and using them properly.

These clubs could eventually end up being collectors items and be eventually classed as golf memorabilia.

First, think of the golf bag itself. Before you buy one, ensure that that the sides are hardened with some metal, like maybe steel. This will help to protect you clubs in case the golf bag falls out of the cart or if it hits other objects.

To prevent the theft of your clubs, see if you can buy a golf bag with a flap or a door on the top. The flap should come with some form of lock mechanism, for example, a number protected lock or even a simple lock and key will suffice.

There are various different types of locking devices available now days, many of which you can find just by typing in the names into ones of the many search boxes available on the internet, ie: into Google, yahoo or Ask.

Alternatively if you look around golf related sites there are normally many links you could click on which will eventually get you to what you are looking for.

Think of painting, embroidering, or embossing your name on the faces of your golf bag. Some people even take it a step further and imprint their contact details with their names.

In case the bag happens to get lost there is a fighting chance of reclaiming it again. See if you can get a professional to emboss your name and contact details on the handles of your clubs.

This won�t prevent theft, but at least you know you have a better chance at finding lost clubs again.

Once you have protected what has now probably become one of your most valuable future assets, you may also think about looking around some of your other golf equipment for what may be considered some golf memorabilia at some point in the future.

Stuff that you may think might be useless, could in actual fact be some thing that another enthusiast is prepared to pay some good money for.

For example even some of your old balls, if you have got some with the odd badge or emblem on, don�t go whacking it down the fairway then into the bushes, never to be seen again, pop it into a drawer for your future collection and use a normal ball.

Also consider maybe collecting up your old green fee tickets, imagine playing on a golf course now and at some point in the future for some unforeseen reasons it is not there any more.

There will without a doubt be someone out there who would be willing to buy that bit of golfing memorabilia from you.

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