Tuesday, March 17, 2015

The Art of Shaving

Mr. Firefly uses cheap-o disposable razors for everyday shaving,personalized bobbleheads, but he loves the straight edge razor shave at The Art of Shaving. I reminded him yesterday that he might want to make an appointment for the day of the wedding. He looked at me funny and said,personalized bobblehead, “What do you mean, I made an 11am appointment a couple of months ago,Athletic Shoe Fashion Or Functional,customize bobblehead!”,First Dance,custom bobbleheads,The Iron Bowl Personifies The Auburn And Alabama Football Teams;

I was sooo happy,,!

I’m sure I’m not the only bride,customize bobblehead, but I sometimes think that Michael views this wedding as a chore. He must pass wedding to collect honeymoon and get me preggers. But little things like this make me realize that perhaps he does care about the big day after all…

Tags: new-york BLOGGER Mrs,Postcards Are Great In Providing A Personal Marketing Touch In Today�s High-Tech World,personalized bobbleheads. Firefly Location: New York Wedding Date: June 2015 Venue: Battery Gardens --> PREVIOUS POST2nd Reception: Part Deux NEXT POSTCake Photos Related Posts A Walrus in a Sea of Emotions 12/08/14 @ 4:08 pm Flying Without Wings: The Men Do Their Thing01/13/15 @ 6:41 am After the Wedding: How the Blue Whales Are Living Up to Their Vows09/24/14 @ 1:45 pm All That Hard Work For Nothing11/18/14 @ 6:31 am

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