Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Coaching Sports To Build Confidence

The most challenging part of coaching a sport team is to correct your athletes without loosing confidence in themselves? The best coaches have mastered knowing how to preserve your athletes' confidence when you need to correct them,personalized bobble heads. Here is a list of ten ways for challenging your athletes while still maintaining their confidence.

1) Set high intentions and make it a "we" goal

The best words you can say to your athletes when they made a mistake is "I know your better than that,personalized bobbleheads." This simple phrase reinforces the belief that you have faith in their ability and that you know they are able to performing at much higher level than what they are currently demonstrating. Then turn the challenge into a "we" achievement that lets the athlete know that together you will tackle the problem. Making it a "we" challenge shows your athletes that you are willing to partner with them to help them get better,personalized bobblehead.

2) Understand mistakes are not intentional

Most errors athletes make are not intentional. Athletes want to play well,custom bobbleheads, not only for themselves,Internet Sportsbooks, but also for their coaches and teammates. Realizing your players mistakes are not done on purpose can be challenging at times, but the best course of action initially is to encourage and support them to correct it.

3) Permit athletes to play through mistakes

Although it is not always possible, a great way to demonstrate your confidence in an athlete is to allow them to keep playing through their errors,customized bobbleheads. Give them a chance to correct themselves within the game situation ,customize bobblehead. Allowing athletes to self correct and learn from mistakes provides them with an opportunity to develop resiliency.

4) Do not tolerate excuse making

In order for an athlete to take ownership for their success and failure,customized bobbleheads,A Smart Way To Grow Sales & Raise Capital - Canadian Factor Receivable Loans Financing Via Confident, they must also take ownership for the errors and own the corrective process. Taking responsibility for their success and failure develops a player's confidence and builds self-esteem. Taking responsibility for their mistakes demonstrates a high level of maturity and, after correction,custom bobbleheads,Make Rakhi 2011 Celebration Special With Impressive Gifts From SendRakhiGiftstoIndia.com, boosts a player's confidence. The successes they own develops a deep foundational confidence level in their ability that they will need when the inevitable series of short falls comes along.

5) Keep your feedback factual and focused on the solution

Many times coaches can get caught up in the emotions of the moment. In these types of moments,personalized bobblehead, the feedback is emotionally charged and can lead to statements the coaches wish they never said. The coach's feedback should be focused on the solution.

6) Focus the criticism on the behavior,Tips for Short Vintage Wedding Dresses, not the person

When giving criticism, make sure the target of it is the athlete's behavior and not the athlete themselves. Criticizing the behavior allows a person to keep their confidence intact because their behavior can be changed and corrected. However, if you criticize them as a person, they cannot help but take it personally.

7) Sandwich the constructive feedback with positive statements

What happens when a player's coach always find fault in what they are doing before mentioning anything good? The player become defensive right away and tunes the coach out. By sandwiching the constructive feedback between positive statements, the player's defensives stay down and they are more objective in listening to the feedback.

8) Provide feedback in a one-on-one environment

Praising the athlete publically and offering construstive criticism in private, it does a lot to build their confidence. Conversely, when you criticize athletes in public,personalized bobble heads, you embarrass them in front of their peers and raise their defensive mechanism. An athlete's pride in their performance is what get them through the tough moments

9) Reinforce past accomplishments and strengths

In addition to your praise,personalized bobbleheads, athletes can build their own confidence by focusing on their strengths and past achievements. One of the best things a coach can do is to remind them of how successful they are and provide detailed examples of this success. Refocus your athletes on their strengths.

10) Never give up

When it comes to your players, you must adopt a never give up mind set. The last thing you would ever want them to do is to mentally quit. If they ever sense you have given up on them,custom bobblehead, they will either give up on themselves or lose all respect for you and give up on you as a coach. A major factor in a player's confidence level comes from their belief that the coach has confidence in their athletic ability.

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